Thema: Continuous ‚Everything‘

Keynote: Refactoring your Organization through the Testing Mindset

“Continuous negotiation – negotiation situations and negotiation management in software projects”

Anyone involved in software projects is facing almost every day a situation in which he or she has to discuss important decisions or strategic steps and has to make decisions together with other project participants: For example as product owner in terms of scope and priority of features, as software architect or developer in terms of technologies, interfaces or implementation alternatives, as test manager or test expert in terms of test scopes versus risk, as scrum master in terms of tools, processes and rules for teamwork.

In doing so, they are players and stakeholders in complex negotiation situations often without being aware of. It depends on the negotiation style of the actors whether these negotiations are conducted in a constructive or in a conflict-laden way, whether they consume a lot or rather little time and whether, at the end, the “correct” decisions are made and will be thus implemented, as well.

Foad Forghani is an internationally known negotiation expert and ghost negotiator and will demonstrate in his concluding keynote how to recognize typical negotiation situations in the often hectic software project environment and also how to act appropriately under high time constraints. In this context, he will especially focus on the following aspects:

•    Aspects of negotiation management and psychology of conversational skills

•    Negotiating in teams and internal negotiations

•    Understanding of the conversation partner: Interpretation of reasons

•    The radar system for the complex negotiation environment

Foad Forghani

Foad Forghani ist einer der gefragtesten Ghost bzw. Shadow Negotiators in Deutschland. Ghost Negotiators sind Verhandlungsspezialisten, die Verhandlungsstrategien für Mandanten aus Wirtschaft und Politik entwickeln und Sie dabei begleiten. Sein Experten Know-how sammelte er nach seinem Management-Studium an der Heriot Watt University Edinburgh, in leitender Funktion für nationale und internationale Firmen. Forghani wird vor allem in Krisensituationen und brisanten Verhandlungsfällen als Spezialist hinzugezogen. Er versteht es, die schwierigsten und komplexesten Verhandlungsfälle mit außergewöhnlichen Ideen zum Erfolg zu führen. In Vorträgen und Seminaren gelingt es Herrn Forghani die Teilnehmer mit der Darstellung von extremen Verhandlungssituationen in den Bann zu ziehen und komplexe Themen bildhaft zu vermitteln. Er ist ein gefragter Experte in den Medien und auf Kongressen, wenn es um die Geheimnisse der Verhandlungsführung geht. Zu seinen Mandanten zählen hochrangige Politiker sowie Wirtschaftsführer.